Business Policy

Business Policy

National interest

  • Our management practices and business conduct shall strive to benefit the country, localities and communities in which it operates, to the extent possible and affordable, and shall be in accordance with the laws of the land.

  • We shall not undertake any project or activity to the detriment of the wider interests of the communities in which it operates.

  • We, in the course of its business activities, shall respect the culture, customs and traditions of each country (if applicable) and region in which it operates. It shall conform to trade procedures, including licensing, documentation and other necessary formalities, as applicable.

Environment Policy

To respect, protect, and make efforts to restore the environment by;

    • Utilizing natural and manmade resources in an optimal and responsible manner and ensure the sustainability of resources by reducing, reusing, recycling and managing waste.

    • Use of environmentally sustainable technologies and practices for prevention of pollution and the continual improvement in environmental performance.

    • Conserve natural resources and energy by minimizing their consumption and wastage.

    • Continuously seeking to improve environmental performance by adopting cleaner production methods, promoting use of energy efficient and environment friendly technologies and use of renewable energy.

    • Ensuring that, benefits arising out of access and commercialization of biological and other natural resources and associated traditional knowledge are shared equitably.

    • Minimize waste generation, enhance recovery and recycling of material and develop eco-friendly waste disposal practices.

    • Building awareness of our work force, customers and vendors on environment issues.

Ethical Business Policy

 To conduct and govern our business with ethics, transparency and accountability by;

    • Ethical conduct is the conduct conforming to the accepted professional standards of conduct.

    • Not engaging in practices that are abusive, corrupt, or anti-competition.

    • Truthfully discharging responsibilities on financial and other mandatory disclosures.

Customer policy:

To engage with and provide value to our customers and consumers in a responsible manner by;

  • Ensuring that, while serving the needs of their customers, we take into account the overall well-being of the customers as well as society at large.
  • Ensuring that we do not restrict the freedom of choice and free competition in any manner while designing, promoting and selling our products.
  • Making full disclosures of all information truthfully and factually, through labeling and other means, including the risks to the individual, to society and to the planet from the use of the products, so that the customers can exercise their freedom to consume in a responsible manner. Where required, education of customers on the safe and responsible usage of our products and services will be undertaken.
  • Ensuring that promotion and advertisements of our products do not mislead or confuse the consumers or violate any of the principles in these policies.
  • Exercising due care and caution while providing goods and services that result in over exploitation of natural resources or lead to excessive conspicuous consumption.
  • Providing adequate grievance handling mechanisms to address customer concerns and feedback.

Quality Policy

  • We are committed to transform the consumer experiences. This will happen only when we provide innovative solutions with passion that excite our customers globally through a quality and customer centric culture involving all employees and business partners as one team.

  • We will continue to strive for excellence in design, development, manufacturing and sales experience of exciting products and services combined with an unmatched ownership experience.

  • To reach higher benchmarks on quality, we will internalize global best practices and sustainable technologies within the organization. Initiatives such as ‘first time right capability’, a ‘quality management system’ will create meaningful impact in the organization while also serving as a common set of guidelines and improvement yardstick.

  • We are committing towards improving the Quality of life of its direct stakeholders, both within and outside its plants and offices, through improved work practices and social welfare schemes.

Sustainability Policy


  • We  are committed to integrate environmental, social and ethical principles into our business and innovate sustainable mobility solutions with passion to enhance quality of life of communities.


To improve our triple-bottom performance, we shall:

    • Integrate sustainability considerations into all business decisions, functions and work processes, with the aim of creating value and contributing to sustainable development.

    • Follow the highest standards of governance and transparency.

    • Embody principles of product stewardship by enhancing environmental, health & safety impacts of our products across their life cycles.

    • Provide safe, healthy, clean and fair working conditions to our employees, business associates and all those working on behalf of us and ensure protection of human rights in the value chain.

Our Commitments

We aspire for the global sustainability leadership in the Packaging & thermoforming sector and to achieve this, we shall: 

    • Continuous monitoring our sustainability commitment and performance.

    • Identify material sustainability issues and develop sustainability strategies with goals, targets, mitigation and adaptation plans aligned with global & national sustainability commitments.

    • Undertake natural and social capital valuation to assess and mitigate business risks.

    • Report in line with global sustainability reporting frameworks.

HR Policy: To promote the wellbeing of all employees by

    • Ensuring equal opportunities at the time of recruitment as well as during the course of employment irrespective of caste, creed, gender, race, religion, disability or sexual orientation.

    • Ensuring that there is no deployment of child labour, forced labour or any form of involuntary labour, paid or unpaid.

    • Providing a workplace environment that is safe, hygienic humane, and which upholds the dignity of the employees.

    • Involvement all level employee for product/quality & working environment  improvement

Corporate Social Responsibility

  •  We believe in self-motivated social responsibility by
  • Generating indirect jobs, improve life in adivasi area, diversity, equity and inclusion, assisting in local cause,

  • Ensuring environmental sustainability, ecological balance, and protection of flora and fauna, animal, welfare, agro forestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water

  • Promote public health and hygiene.

  • Protect, preserve and promote national art, heritage and culture.

  • Laws, rules and regulations both in letter and spirit.