SVF & CVF machines

CVF series Vacuum forming machine

The continuous vacuum forming station design allows any nominal size of 500 x 500 mm upwards to 2000 x 1500 mm max. The cut sheet, pick in place to transport chain then it will move to heating station then forming station, ejection of formed product automatically.

This machine offers you higher productivity and less labor cost because loading and unloading of sheet operation is automated.

Key features-

The features of our machines

Optional features-


Each heating panel may be equipped with different type of heaters, chosen according to the end user’s requirements among ceramic heaters, either standard or high-efficiency, quartz heaters, flash heaters (halogen).

Dimension of heating elements are selected according to the product type to be thermoformed.

The optional configuration of the machine includes also the installation of an IR pyrometer, which assures a correct heating of each sheet.

  • Machine incorporated with sheet stacking station, servo driven sheet transport, same transport will move out formed product, pre-blow and plug assist
  • Individual/zone heater control by INTELSOFT (version 5.0) based on Siemens platform, SVF series machine control system

The key feature of control system is any follower heater can be selected & controlled with reference to any master heater. All heaters are configured to PID function.

Machine can form varieties of thermoplastics such as PS, ABS, PC, PET, and HDPE in sheet thickness up to 4 mm.

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